EU Cookie Law: Making your Site Compliant

It seems as though the dust is finally settling on the long-running EU Cookie Law saga. Certainly it’s a story with enough twists and turns over the last few months to prompt a number of blogs from me on the subject… Cookies & Your Website – 17th...

EU Cookie Law: Implied Consent

EU Cookie Law about face Believe it or not, the ICO have done virtually a complete about face on the EU Cookie Law! The change seems fairly slight at first glance. In a new document providing guidance on the now-enforceable law, the ICO state that it is valid to...

EU Cookie Law: Another twist

“Not again!” is bound to be a common reaction to this topic. I’ve blogged about it twice already this year, after all… Jan 11th – Cookies and your Website Mar 16th (yes, only 2 weeks ago) – Cookie Audit Why write again so soon? I...

Cookies and your website

If you own a website then you should be aware of the EU Cookie Law that came into effect as far back as May of last year (2011). In the past the EU has been accused of creating lakes of wine and mountains of beef, but this time there is no food involved, but rather a...

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