Google Apps – no longer free

Google Apps – no longer free

I know…two updates in one day! Crazy!! Nothing in life is free Until today, I might have argued the toss on this statement. My favourite solutions for email, calendars and cloud storage – Google Apps – has always had a free option. Originally small...

Better Collaboration with Google

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been raving about Google+, Google’s new social network ‘glue’ across all it’s products, for some time now. I’ve actually been a Google fan for a while – primarily because of the excellent...

Apps that really are worth paying for

First of all I must confess, I am a bit of a cheapskate. In a nice way, I think, in that I actively look to use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) if it offers the functionality I need. Thus, I run my business on a swathe of software and cloud services that can be...
Smeeth Community Primary School

Smeeth Community Primary School

The Brief Smeeth Community Primary School is a village primary school in East Kent. Their existing website was created a number of years ago and caused a few problems. Firstly, it was unwieldy, with the whole website needing to be uploaded for any minor change....

Is Buzz good for business?

In the week since Google Buzz started hitting people’s Google Mail accounts much has happened, and there has been a veritable avalanche of opinion. It’s all very confusing to those who aren’t that interested in the finer technical details. But if...

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