Cookie Audit

Just a short update this week, but it could easily be the most important article you read this year! The “Cookie Law” Back in January I wrote about the so called “EU Cookie Law”, a directive from Europe that was enacted into law back in May of...

Why SEO is not enough

Before I start, I must give a big thank you to Andy Harris of Custwin, who helpfully pointed out that I had neglected to give people a way to subscribe to my monthly summary of blogs. The sign-up box has dutifully been added to the sidebar, so if you enjoy my...

Apps that really are worth paying for

First of all I must confess, I am a bit of a cheapskate. In a nice way, I think, in that I actively look to use Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) if it offers the functionality I need. Thus, I run my business on a swathe of software and cloud services that can be...

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